No need for New Year resolutions


We kick off 2017 on the blog side very differently to our approach to training.

My observations conclude that it seems to be a good sign that sharing our stories with you fine people comes a little later than anticipated. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

So I’m proud to announce that Jonny and I have been blasting the gym throughout the most of January and its only a current set back (a story for another time) which provided me with time to breath and write.

We approached the new year with energy and new equipment that we had obtained before Christmas.

The addition of 2 20kg dumbbells essentially transformed our circuit style workouts and enabled us to keep up the high intensity whilst rapidly promoting explosive strength. This has ensured quick results in a month that demands just that.

I must admit it was looking sketchy for a while over Christmas as Jonny and I were struck with the flu.

Fortunately this eased off just in time for the new start and then it was very much business as usual, albeit with some new challenges and workouts to endure.

However there’s no need for me to harp on about how we were psyched to succeed with it being the new year blah blah blah.

I mean of course we were psyched. The only difference this year is that we felt equally as psyched as we did in 2016.

Although this may seem slightly anti-climax, for me its more than encouraging.

It demonstrates that my commitment to the gym is more than just a flame that is destined to fizzle out.

It has reminded me that I am not a January gym jester who only enjoys one 4 week boot camp a year.

So all that remains for us to do is to keep hitting it hard, keep feeling the results and just hope that we are not getting complacent as the final stretch of C&J approaches, along with some final challenges to end all challenges.

So if we pretend I’m writing this when initially intended, all that remains for me to say, is I best get back to it.

Until the next time.

Chris speaking from C&J Active.

Your everyday fitness friends.

Trying to get back on track

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So we are now approaching week 5 of the C&J split and theoretically the half way point should be in sight.

But in reality my calculations are a little out and I would say we are looking at a good 6 to 7 weeks before things resume to normal.

I think this lack of judgement reflects a couple of things; one I have now fell victim to a schedule which is erratic and without structure, and two, I seriously underestimated the implications of a long haul split.

10 weeks sounds relatively short when you don’t give it much thought.

As previously stated though, all is not lost!

The overarching feeling last week was one of defiance but not defeat. My aim was to get back on track and continue with the C&J structure.

Determined to do the right thing I forced myself to unearth the contents of another envelope.

The content was a daunting prospect. After assessing the mountain that lay ahead, I came to the conclusion there was simply too much to climb. And I don’t say that because the goals sounded unachievable, I just seemed to be backtracking on a schedule that had never been. It’s sad to say, I never even joined Jonny’s journey of structure and as a consequence I have to go it alone.

As this potent thought grew around me like a black cloud I could have easily thrown the towel in, but I decided not to.

Now is the time for me to take charge of my own fitness goals and you know what I think I’ve somehow managed to achieve that this week.

I started by taking elements of Jonny’s routine and applied them to make my own.

Things then started to just snowball from there.

I started with abs and shoulders on Monday.

I then threw in an arms session on Tuesday.

I was making protein shakes on Wednesday.

And then it was chest, back, legs on Thursday and Friday,

And now I’m chilled on Sunday.

I’m not quite sure why I thought I would turn that into a dodgy version of an iconic song, perhaps all this new-found fitness buzz is sending me a little giddy.

All joking aside though, I would like to emphasise the word ‘snowball’. I had one good session and then the next day I just wanted to replicate the success.

I took a look in the mirror and thought, yes them abs are looking good, but what about your arms? The next day it was like, yeh great arm pump but what about your chest. And so on.

My own gripe for this week is the lack of cardio completion. As we’ve said on previous occasions, trying to fit everything in, is a struggle. This is proving to be even more the case as I train alone.

So I guess the best way to summarise this week is, I did fail to get back on track, but that’s because I was trying to continue with a journey I never started.

I will still strive to succeed when the next envelope comes around, however for the next week or so I’m going to see if this snowball can turn into an avalanche.

Oh before I leave things there I should have another guess at what Jonny might be up in his journey right now. I’m going to say he’s been adopted by a local tribe and is currently living in a tree house somewhere.

Until the next time!

C&J Active

(Your everyday fitness friends)

Defiance is not defeat

So another week whizzes by in the world of C&J.

Last weeks tales of trepidation were triumphed by the prospect of great things to come.

I think in that moment of self-righteousness I may have got carried away.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret the outburst of sudden optimism. What I should have avoided however was the sensationalist approach to lets be honest, what was a promise of immediate results.

Progress seems to be flowing like thirsty river and I am now in need of a down poor.

I was going to extend that simile to suggest Jonny would usually provide the down poor required, that that sounds a bit weird so let’s not dwell on that statement.

Anyway thinking of Jonny, again this entry gives me the chance to spare a thought as to what insanities he is getting up to right at this time. I’m doubtful that he was been drafted into any arranged marriages just yet, but give it a few weeks. I’m going to say he’s starting to get vain. I bet he’s striving for a Tarzan like look with long hair whilst doing topless pull ups, when everyone’s watching.

Ok Ok I should stop dishing out the banter when the recipient can in no way respond.

Although this may anger Jonny on his return, I think he might be more annoyed to learn that, not only has progress been slow, but also his envelope of encouragement lays long forgotten on my shelf.

I go back to my original observation in that this week has whizzed by and before I knew it I was staring at the parting gift with a vacant expression.

However,before I go on to beat myself up about it, its worth just stopping to consider the week in terms of activity achievements.

And when I think about it, my defiance does not actually leave me dead and buried.

I’ve managed to cram in 3 weight sessions, a 5k run and an 8 mile walk. So although it may not be by the by, in all honesty it could be worse.

Alarm bells are definitely ringing for me though. I am all too aware that previous fitness endeavours that I have pursued alone have never materialised into the results I yearned for.

I think what I regard as being pushed to the limit compared to Jonny, differ somewhat. This is something I need to work on.

But anyway as the old saying goes, onwards and upwards.

I plan to start afresh with a new envelope tomorrow. Who knows what horrors that will have in store. All I do know is that whatever it is I will have to work through the pain, or sadly that river I referred to earlier may get ever less present as opposed to breaking the banks.

Until the next time.

C&J Active

(Your everyday fitness friends)

The ab life for me

Just a quick one today.

As always things are hectic here at C&J. After a shaky Easter period we have patched up the cracks and the fitness regime is once again working with military precision.

The mayhem of the monthly challenge is back, courtesy of a Bear Gyrlls extreme challenge and we are now back outside as summer begins to show its welcomed presence once more.

After the dark days of bulking during the winter months, the focus is now on fat burning and lean muscle gain. Additionally its all about mental and physical preparation for when Jonny delves into jungle chaos.

So we’ve been hitting the cardio hard!

We have also been smashing the abs. But I’m not going to lie, its been a challenge!

From our experience,we have found that Abs do not come overnight. A washboard physique takes serious manual labour.

A few days off and curry and your back to square one.

So we have found a few battle strategies to help in our pursuit.

One: We incorporate Ab workouts into every session.

Two: We have a weekly rugby league score prediction challenge, of which the punishment is Ab related exercises. (See our previous blog for more details.

Three: We have to complete 3 sets of varied Ab crunches with 20 reps each morning and night and snapchat each other as evidence.

Now I think 3 is our most effective method to date. At first it is a struggle, but due to the evidence aspect,you are forced into it. Anyone who doesn’t snap the evidence inevitable gets punished with extra sets in the gym.

So a few weeks on, this daily task is now becoming a way of life. And it last our abs are starting to feel the effects!

So as the sun steadily heats up for its  settlement we are feeling quite confident that we will be ready!

Until the next time.

C&J Active

(Your everyday fitness friends)